What's on my mind:
Garfield Kart is a kart racing game similar to the Mario Kart series. The player can compete on various tracks, collect items, and power-ups which interfere with the other racers. Players can also customize their vehicles and play online, though the online feature is only available on Windows and is currently in beta.[1][2] The player can choose 8 characters, but only Garfield and Jon are available at first, with the others having to be unlocked. There are daily challenges the player can complete, which will give them options to customize their vehicle.

There are three cups to choose from: Lasagna, Pizza, and Hamburger. There is also the hidden Ice Cream Cup, which is unlocked by completing all the other cups on 150cc difficulty. Each cup contains 4 maps, for 16 in total. There are also three difficulties to choose from: 50cc, 100cc, and 150cc. The Lasagna Cup is always free, and the Pizza Cup is free for 50cc, but for the 100cc and 150cc the player has to unlock the cups, or can pay to try them using in-game coins.
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