User is banned
What's on my mind:
Notice in my blurb, look in the “updates” section.

Semi update from 11/30/21: spaghetti dinner, yay, and I have orange bloxy soda on my face.
===== INACTIVE TILL 12/8/21 ==========


Today, I had pizza for lunch and got unbanned, sadly, my "Robloxripoffbannedbybots" account is termed, sadly, and by a flipping bot, yeah, because there was no admins online when it happened.



A IP joke is going around, it’s not funny, updated my avatar, cute? Anywoo, dinner was tacos, I had a meat and cheese taco with hard crust, yummy! And, oh, there is those sexual 18+ posts going on, I’m not posting them, really.


I updated the costume, so now it still haves the vibe.

Well, I made my first Uglydolls story on Wattpad, and found that after was based on a story on there. So, that is very very strange to learn about it. Anyways, hungry, may have a snack and some pizza tonight, idk.

Everything is doing fine, no hate or anything, and it’s almost Halloween! So, the avatar is my costume, the light brown thing is a potato, the dark brown thing is dirt. White skin unlike the normal blue, a potato still in my hands, pink scarf, the cat! The dragon ears and nest and grey and pink as shirt and pants.

About me:

I believe this site is 100% a ripoff of roblox, and I know it. Female. The weirdo of a ripoff.

The biggest Uglydolls fan in the history of Uglydolls... I'm not searching for some sweet attention.

Robloxian, brick hiller on the forums. Le potato. And I’m blue, and pink.

Now I won’t shut up about Uglydolls.
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Join Date: 31/07/2021
Last Online: 9 months ago
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