How to create a game

[CHNDL] juice box
Joined 18/09/2018
Posts 81
03:32 AM 19/01/2020
Uh... How do i create a game?

Joined 03/11/2019
Posts 10,620
08:11 AM 19/01/2020
go to sets

[doge] Square
Joined 17/08/2017
Posts 52,416
12:28 PM 19/01/2020
This only works if you’re running windows 10 and have a 64-bit processor

Click create set and set up your set

Now download the legacy client (here: and the node hill client. The NH one is the client right under the big orange button (the orange is for the work shop)

So just in short, download both of those clients.
Now, when you’re done downloading most, hit your windows key and r. If you’ve done everything right, you should be prompted with a window that says %AppData%. Hit enter and find the “Brick Hill” folder.
Click it and scroll all the way to the bottom where you’ll find a file titled “Workshop”

Click it and you’ll be loaded into your set. Click “New Project” and bam

That’s the workshop (our roblox studio)