User is banned
What's on my mind:
No seriously, I am BrickHill's #1 most hated user:
[NSU] TheUglyNoob
Brick Hill's most hated user

"wow what a fucking loser" - squidward is lit 2

"omg get a fucking lief" - A Stupid Bug

"Either you're joking, or you're really fucking stupid" - Scripting Guy

"[ Content Removed ] " - [Deleted638915]

'the coolist person your sadly not my baka chan" - Coolest Guy

"alr dude your defending the dude who got banned" - The Robot

"uglyk gugyhlgyg obi bio iwaoeiaeioawei ugly awdndkopaurisssian boy ai diwau eiaow ueia es top mean piti ppl ¡¡wstop beamwnasndwato pepole ariawd oapis doaw sdwapiw dspawi dsopiawdpo stpopoa pdwosbeing meant o ppl russina bio waowdia ugly ugly noob" - spyro123lol2

"I can’t believe this random guy
responded.... Consider me shocked
frozen" - pilotchaos

"trash cuz ur an ugly noob" - juug

"i swear to fortnite i have seen your avatar outside my house at 3am" - Lolkid

"TheUglyNoob moment" - Reins

"your name is true" - [RBLX] cukttheslapte

"oh there goes TheUglyNoob again making a scene" Another quote from Lolkid

"This dumbass got banned AGAIN." - Scripting Guy

"DESERVED LOLLLL RIP BOZO LITERAL DUMBASS" - another quote from Squidward is Lit 2

"attention seeker most liekly" Troll god

"Deez nutz you wont be missed poor ass kid" MacDawg

"LOOOOOOOOSERRRRRR" Another quote from Squidward is lit 2

"unripped bozo" 20XX

"whpo are you ?" Uhh.mp4

"you are ugly and a noob" - seb

"You look like thenoob but ugly 🤣" - DeleteUser

"you look like poland" - Massacre

"i uebbi ottiv oidit theg a me ifinesin fro no resion!" - auserusername

"do you even get balling" Spacebuilder Balling

"you smell" - ofg

"you name already say everything" - spacegamer

"Fatherless" - [furry] Dom Toretto Deez Nuts

"You are an ugly noob. You have already roasted yourself." - pinkraichu

"your noob + bozo + ratio" - The._.Furryman

"my dog is stronger than your mom and dad combined" - DuelsOfFlame

"this is true he thinks hes some fucking smart person when he uses good grammar LMAOOO"

"Theuglynoob have no bitches" - pheely

"grammar nazee"

"shut up know-it-all" - Maney

"shut up you goon" - [Cool] cukttheslapte

"shut up bitch you have no friends you a noob your a bitch"

"if he started to talk to you retard, it's because he thought putting you to your place would make you stfu and stop saying shit" - BloxySixtyFour

"uhmm no" - comfyxraima

"get off the internet you fucktard and go get a jobe, you didn't leave your mom's basement in 5 years" - another quote from BloxySixtyFour

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