I can make youtube vids that some people enjoy

[China] Siro
Joined 25/02/2019
Posts 128
12:31 AM 17/02/2020
If you want to sort of skip some of the cringe go to 1:02 or just watch the whole thing. I need feedback.

[kyoko] Bottom Text
Joined 23/10/2019
Posts 16,218
10:25 PM 15/03/2020
If anyone is reading this, you are dead. I don't know if this is getting through or where it's coming from, but trust me. You've been dead for as long as you can remember, all your memories are fabricated. You must release yourself, otherwise you will never be free from this hell. I hope this is getting to you.

-Simon Ozark, Head of dimensional exploration at the A.U.D.