things that made me mad on ROBLOX.

Joined 08/01/2019
Posts 135
12:55 PM 10/01/2019
1. Online Daters.
2. Scam bots.
3. Clickbaiters.
4. Newbies
5. Badmins
6. Wannabe hackers

7. 18+ Places.
9. Bullying
10. Stupid Bans

[OpTic] replojam
Joined 28/06/2018
Posts 714
12:57 PM 10/01/2019
I'm planning to sell my roblox account

Joined 08/01/2019
Posts 135
12:58 PM 10/01/2019
oh ok.
i will create my account for john doe trolling and giveaway it.

Joined 08/01/2019
Posts 135
12:58 PM 10/01/2019

Joined 03/12/2018
Posts 3,041
01:19 PM 10/01/2019
1. Oders- Just ignore them
2. Spambots-They will get ban wiped soon.
3. Clickbaiters-Same with oders, just ignore them it isn’t that hard
4. Newbies-Fuck you peice of shit, if you joined any time past 2016 don’t call others “newbie”
5. Badmins-The fuck is that?
6. Wannabe hackers-How does that make you mad? It’s usally just satire.
7. 18+ places-Hahahahahahhahaha
9. Bullying- Tf happened to 8?
10. Stupid bans-Hahahahhahahaaha

Joined 07/01/2019
Posts 92
01:31 PM 10/01/2019
I still play roblox I just hate the bots sending me requests

Joined 07/11/2018
Posts 2,622
08:29 AM 11/01/2019
Just ignore the requests.

When I declined some bot requests, I just got more.

If they see you declining their requests, they will know you're online often.