Ways to get currency (Just so I don't have to retype it)

Joined 16/06/2019
Posts 38,910
10:07 AM 28/11/2019
I'm sure that someone has already made this but I'm just making this so I can link it in the future.

10 bits = 1 buck; 1 buck = 10 bits

Every day you get 10 bits.

If you want to earn some currency, then make some clothing. (The bestselling clothing is normally well-made or meme clothing)

You can also build a set (game), and I believe you earn with every visit.

Other ways:
Sell specials, (Best way to earn them is by winning them in the bht server!) https://discord.gg/PdW7WEr
Win giveaways! (Some people host them in the forums)

Do not coinfarm for your currency. (Going on alts to buy your own shirts) If you think you're sneaky, admins can check IP's and some people always look out for coinfarmed items.

------------------------That was all of the free ways.------------------------

You may also donate to the site. You will get some cool items along with some bucks and a profile badge! You can also purchase a membership, (just like builder's clu to get an extra daily reward and some more sweet items, along with a profile badge for said membership!

Side notes

If you are in the brick-hill discord, (https://discord.gg/brick-hill) and you are said to be granted bucks, it's just another way to say that you've leveled up, you don't actually get them

If you win a bht giveaway, the items will be transferred to your account, whether it's a special or bucks.

[MARIO] surfin
Joined 21/06/2019
Posts 21,257
10:08 AM 28/11/2019
oh okay

Joined 23/08/2019
Posts 71,957
10:08 AM 28/11/2019
This feels like a mod would write this

Joined 12/11/2019
Posts 542
06:48 AM 07/12/2019
also you can exchange bucks to bits in order to get them or just be donated

[doge] Square
Joined 17/08/2017
Posts 52,416
02:05 PM 07/12/2019
thanks, bookmarked