Craziest experience you've had with the BH community?

[ㄒ卄丨匚匚] 20XX
Joined 01/12/2017
Posts 56,225
11:56 AM 19/11/2019
I have none

MyNewUsername Got banned L
Joined 01/11/2019
Posts 245
01:01 PM 19/11/2019
the harassment

[im] Puzzling
Joined 25/08/2018
Posts 10,689
01:17 PM 19/11/2019
Prevent sharing the fact that the Unobtainable Egg was still obtainable;
#Stuckintheceilinggang in Murder Mystery;
The bad ol' necroposting of Q4 2018;
Everyone going ape after the Linear Present;
Egg Hunt 2019 being broken for a while and that one egg that the whole server teamwork;
The KonekoKitten Days;
The ABSOLUTE LOADING of the 100k Celebration Set (somehow I ended up in the 100k blog) along with @everyone in the Discord going (yet again) ape about the 100k user.

And probably a lot more...

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