Help me

twofatcats alt
Joined 19/09/2018
Posts 8
12:31 AM 20/09/2018
Ok so I made an account this morning and I forgot the pass (D’oh) and I tried to reset it and it said it sent to my email but I didn’t get anything. Am I doing something wrong?

Marilyn Manson
Joined 13/07/2018
Posts 2,138
12:45 AM 20/09/2018
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Joined 02/08/2018
Posts 5,113
03:17 PM 20/09/2018
Well the same thing happened to me. The reason for your problem might be because you didn't verify your email in the settings page. If you didnt know, putting your email while registering won't verify it. By verifying it, you need to go to the settings page. There is a solution to get your account back, and thats by emailing Brick Hill ( That worked for me. There are other solutions too.

[Agent] fighterfist
Joined 17/04/2017
Posts 4,363
08:32 PM 21/09/2018
[quote][i]Quote from [burl=user?id=26855]yyy[/burl], 2018-09-20 15:17:51[/i]
Well the same thing happened to me. The reason for your problem might be because you didn't verify your email in the settings page. If you didnt know, putting your email while registering won't verify it. By verifying it, you need to go to the settings page. There is a solution to get your account back, and thats by emailing Brick Hill ( That worked for me. There are other solutions too.[/quote]

This is a good option, but if all else fails, you can try speaking to the admins directly in the support channel of the discord!
Good luck!