Update Log on my project:

[ARGon] Explorer.
Joined 29/08/2020
Posts 8,230
11:32 PM 09/08/2023
---------Mildly interesting stuff
-Added name changes

-Added the ability to see former names

-Background color change

-Shop bugs fixed

Website Screenshot: !(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/853786155963514915/1138978006669463572/image.png)

---------Ehh you probably don't care unless you're a developer stuff:

-Made sessions more stable and added user_id as a session variable

Joined 02/02/2022
Posts 657
11:54 PM 09/08/2023
ants have invaded the earth

[LSP] Madsen
Joined 26/09/2022
Posts 86
12:30 PM 11/08/2023
The beetles fight to regain control