[?] Is my site, brick-saver, against TOS?

Joined 23/06/2019
Posts 4,820
10:52 PM 01/03/2021
Recently I was messaged by someone telling me to take down the site as it will be used to copy clothing. All it is doing is using the Brick Hill API, nothing more, nothing less. I am not encouraging people to copy clothing. This is the API is PUBLIC.

(before people ask me why I named it to brick-stealer before, it was because the original piece of code that I found on GitHub made by beetxMC was named that. brick-saver is just is hosting that code on glitch and is offering a better UI)

So tell me... is my site, brick-saver, against TOS?

beetxMC's brick-stealer @ https://github.com/beetxMC/brick-stealer
Full Source Code @ https://glitch.com/edit/#!/bricksaver
Website @ https://bricksaver.glitch.me

top meme
Joined 20/07/2019
Posts 9,979
10:53 PM 01/03/2021
wtf is this about?

- from TopMeme

[ARGon] Explorer.
Joined 29/08/2020
Posts 8,230
10:53 PM 01/03/2021
Well I mean it can be USED to break TOS as people most commonly will use it to steal clothing. Brick Hill API is harder to use so that site would be used more common.

[TTO] 3O9
Joined 13/11/2020
Posts 1,309
12:55 AM 02/03/2021
Bro really oml

ur mom neigh
Joined 28/01/2019
Posts 4,416
01:16 PM 02/03/2021
well stealing clothing is bannable but i wouldn't say you're really in the wrong for being helpful. you certainly are streamlining the process, but brick saver could also be used for taking the texture of hats, tools, and faces.

anybody could do what you did without brick-saver by using the stupid link that is, for some reason, publicly available


i'd just put a warning on the site's page tbh

Joined 23/06/2019
Posts 4,820
02:14 PM 02/03/2021
Quote from ur mom neigh , 01:16 PM 02/03/2021
well stealing clothing is bannable but i wouldn't say you're really in the wrong for being helpful. you certainly are streamlining the process, but brick saver could also be used for taking the texture of hats, tools, and faces.

anybody could do what you did without brick-saver by using the stupid link that is, for some reason, publicly available


i'd just put a warning on the site's page tbh
Done. Everytime you load the webpage, it displays a notification that lasts 5 seconds telling people that stealing and reuploading assets are against Brick Hill's TOS.