Moderators, please start read the full threads.

Joined 28/03/2019
Posts 34,122
10:11 PM 30/11/2020
instead of rushing into stuff and depend on the titles to think that someone "broke the ToS"

I don't care If your saying "Hey that's staff disrespect." or "Don't tell me how to do my job." because this is the criticism I'm giving you, just a simple tip

and if I really get a warning or even a ban from this thread for staff disrespect, I'm going to be really disappointed.

Joined 28/03/2019
Posts 34,122
10:11 PM 30/11/2020
and yeah, I see how I misgrammed the title.

Joined 28/03/2019
Posts 34,122
10:13 PM 30/11/2020
and yes, I just bumped this.