Scripts that changes tranparency and collision when talking

[im] BLU746
Joined 12/04/2019
Posts 2,219
06:44 PM 24/05/2019
I'm thinking of making one of those Guess the Person type of games on Brick-Hill because I saw nobody do that, so I wanna know if theres a script where if you a say a word/phrase/name like "spacebuilder" the brick will change transparency from 0 to 0.5 and the collision will be set to false for like 5 seconds until it turns back to like collision true and transparency 0.

I really want to make a game like this, of course I won't be able to host it but I would like to make a game like that in the workshop so I can make a game.

- 𝘽𝙇𝙐𝟕𝟒𝟔

Joined 09/02/2019
Posts 60,010
06:49 PM 24/05/2019
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