Brick Buddies[BB]
Owned by Flintknock
2 Members
Welcome to Brick Buddies! Brick Buddies is a clan where people who own any of the Brick Buddy items can join and hang out!

You will be ranked depending on which Brick Buddy you own.

Not A Brick Buddy Owner - Doesn't own any of the Brick Buddy items.
Brick Buddy - Owns the Brick Buddy hat.
Patriot Brick Buddy - Owns the Patriot Brick Buddy Hat.
Astronaut Brick Buddy - Owns the Astronaut Brick Buddy hat.
Fancy Brick Buddy - Owns the Fancy Brick Buddy Hat.
Cool Brick Buddy - Owns the Cool Brick Buddy hat.
Andrewbruce957 - Exclusive to Andrewbruce957, as he owns his own exclusive Brick Buddy hat.
Feature coming soon