Name Rater[Names]
Owned by Chin
27 Members
The perfect name rater on Brick Hill.

Get your usernames quickly rated with an amount of stars.

One Star: A common name (Lots of spaces/numbers/etc)

Two Stars: A name that is slightly hard to get. Usually part of a word (or phrase)

Three Stars: An uncommon name. Usually a little better than two stars. (Ex. Storm Chaser, etc)

Four Stars: Rarer than a three star. A very rare word. (such as strenuous)

Five Stars: Memes or famous concepts.

Six Stars: Slightly more common words. (such as prodigious)

Seven Stars: Even more common words. (Such as seat belt)

Eight Stars: Celebrities or more common words

Nine Stars: Animal names. :3

TEN STARS!: A VERY VERY common word. A word that almost everyone uses. Something like a body part or greeting.

~If you disagree with a rank, let us know!
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