Commands ( means that is a toggle-able command):
/kill player - kills the player.
/kick player - kicks the player from the game.
/mute player - mutes the player, this is a toggle-able command so if the player is already muted they will be unmuted.
/vchat message - sends a message to everyone in the game that is also an admin.
/ban player - bans the player from the game, resets once the server resets.
/unban player id - unbans the player via their user id.
/admin player - gives the player admin, this is a toggle-able command.
/tp player or x,y,z - teleports you to a player or teleports you to a coordinate. Example: /tp cheats OR /tp 0,0,0.
/god ?player - gives you infinite health or the player infinite health.
/speed ?player num - sets the player's speed to the num. NOTE You can do /speed 10 to set your speed to 10.
/jump ?player num - sets the player's jump power to the num. NOTE You can do /jump10 to set your jump power to 10.
/size ?player num OR num,num,num - set's the player's size to num. Example: /size 2 OR /size 2,1,2 OR /size cheats 10,10,10 etc.
/weather env - sets the weather of the Game (sun,snow,rain)
/freeze player - freezes the player.
/thaw player - thaws the player. NOTE can't thaw a player that is not frozen.
/av id or reset - sets your avatar id to the specified one. say /av reset to reset your avatar
/server message - sends a server message
/tpme player - teleports said player to you.
/ambient color - sets the game's ambient color in hexadecimal or hex. Example: /ambient 69 OR /ambient #ff0000.
/sky color - sets the game's sky color hexadecimal or hex. Example: /sky 69 OR /sky #ff0000.
/team name - creates a team with the given name with a random color and puts you on it.
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Join Date: 11/06/2022
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