What's on my mind:
I feel a sense of loneliness coming from inside me.
[MYTH] a_r
I continue to do things that seem inhumane to some people but to others it seems perfectly normal.

Interview with Captain {REDACTED}, Captain of crew {DATA EXPUNGED}.

January 8th, 1989

We find this creature, fiend to some, in the Himalayan Mountains. Sub-Zero temperature with almost nothing covering it. It had some human characteristics like normal looking arms, legs and feet. But it's eyes. They were something else. It turned around, looked us up and down curiously before standing up and slowly walking towards us. It starts crying, making humanoid sounds before taking its hands off it's eyes. We see blood running down it's cheeks as if it were crying the substance. It then proceeded to scream and charge at us. Half of us made it back in one piece. It was never to be seen again.
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