What's on my mind:
Life’s been tough :/
[Furry] NanoCat
A male cat named Nano that is a fan of "Flamingo".

Owner: https://www.brick-hill.com/user/346823/

Q: Are you gay?
A: No

Q: Are you a furry or just like cats?
A: Idk, Both?

Why are you still reading, Legit nothing special.

Ehh, Ok. Continue reading or whatever :/

Furry Definition: an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online.

I am a poor noob


Depression, A sad time to have.. It's a sign when ur feeling down.
Insanity, Losing sanity is a part of depression. It's ok at least if u gain that sanity back.

A random rap I made up just now:
1 bit, 2 bit, 3 bit, 0. You are poor, So am I.
We are sad and we are lonely and sometimes we just chillin' with them homies.
I've seen many things you would believe a creeper from Minecraft gave me a disease.
1 bit, 2 bit, 33! Can't take back what happened in 1917. We ate and we fed, We all went dead. One time in history or social anxiety of a dance or two. Gonna hit it like a ball or balloon. 1, 2, 77, Nothing is worthless when you're eleven. 1 2 3 4 5, I'm still poor and bye

A furry rap thing I made up just right now lol:
They run in the west, They seek in the north. What are they called? F U R R I E S.
They go up and down, Counting and being loud. 1 furry name Jack.. He was a HACKER in a new world, He went up the stairs to the bed sleepy head he was dead oh god no. Who did this? It was Furries and me JK xD? 1 10 11, 7 to 292. Numbers dying in place, Can we go on a race. I'll be the fastest there, I hope I win and get money cuz I'm poor and- really?! A DOOR, Oh well.. That's swell.

Helping, It's an act of kindness. It makes you feel good inside, though.. people, crying, It all adds up to one single thing. Mixed emotions

_August 6, 2020_
_bored as hedge_
_ O O F _

(September 8, 2020)
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