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What's on my mind:
Death when she's full black eyes she trys to kill shy when black and ghost when black devil dark angel nice and evil can change colours/ queen of everything/student and maid/also likes pats/can touch tails/Leo in me/and I'm his sister/also sweet but psycho sometimes/sometimes helps dead/can be boy or girl/doesn't take classes/cat when likes purr/can touch ears/Warrior has weapons/half demon half angel half human half ghost half daredevil and half dragons can hide wings and horns/BUT DON'T TOUCH MY WINGS or something bad will happen >:(, I'm princess of dark and light/I was half made in lab that how I got my powers/I'm a boy and girl/eyes colour change for no reason or feelings and hair too and body when I sometimes cut hair it can grow faster/popular famous rich cool likes to skip I'm in between of light and dark/can fly on earth/hurts if someone is hurt or doesnt like something/like a bird can fly so that's why like a angel and devil and human/I'm in the cheer squad maybe I be leader once/when I red or mad my name then is Bloody/when I'm all pink and have pink glowing hair that's mean I'm in love then/when I'm all blue I'm sad/when I'm all green I hate the food/when I'm all white I'm surprised/when I'm black I'm scared/when I'm grey I'm relax/when I'm yellow I'm happy or orange/sometimes when I'm green I'm sick/when I'm light purple I'm nice/when I'm dark purple I'm mean/when I'm in dark light purple I'm both/when I look normal I'm normal/I'm silly funny and safe/not when Leo is controlling me/if I have white outfit for prom or green blue red gray black doesn't mean anything for porn/I'm from the sky kingdom/I might look nice but trust me I'm but not/ain't take lean hot boys for moneys/work at this school food/sometimes I stay up all night cleaning/kill me the chain use me as a toy or not idc my life sucks I just wanna end my suffering/heyo I'm vampire werewolf fox human but doesn't hurt I'm also normal wolf/I LOVE COOKIES I EVEN HAVE A LOOK FOR THEM IF SEE OR HEAR I GO INSANE AND LOSE MY CONTROL YUMM/oh and when I'm brown I'm embarrassed/I'm half butterfly/doctor I have every jobs sometimes I kill while it I lose control/everything on me or my stuff or my house can't break even my money/I'm the princess of ice my brother is the Prince of fire sometimes/I'm popular/oh and Im both fire and ice/And another brother of mine is the Prince of ice/OH AND CALL ME Ally and I fim Princess call me princess ally/loses air very fast when then less it goes the same like that always running/loses lots of friends and gets more it keep on going/locks a lot to wake up or heals/doesn't smell fart but hears/sometimes get controlled by other gn also call me alex/Lesbian/sometimes called me autumn/I'm a great popular famous singer/sometimes m a poor doll nice or creepy just do whatever u want me to/I like nature and wen I'm mad and turn red sometimes I turn devil to/in halloween call me pumpkin/if you get confused and don't know who Leo is well he's my ghost brother I see ghosts so ya/I can morph into my family members or other peoples/I can make portals to put halloween candy in for later/I can speak pet/my Halloween costume are santa skeleton ghost chucky/you can call me cookies at royale high school I give a lot cookies/call me amria if u want/JIGSAW MY BIGGEST FEAR IN LIFE FROM THE MOVIE WHHY DID YOU ADD THE FACE FOR HALLOWEEN ROYALE HIGH WHAT'S CALLMEHBOB TO/I can be jigsaw/call me nugget too ME LV NUGGETS/I can be ladybug/ I have a million lv potions what's in inf/has a crystal ball/always bow down to the queen/could get spell on me/I'm a witch by the way/I can be spinel from the st movie/sometimes I live on the streets/I can be a clown what's pennywise sometimes or girl to lol/when I'm a boy call me Jack and I'm a nerd in school when I am and a Prince to but don't tell anyone/I can be ariana grande/sorry about bdon't it means but don't/I like to eat fires osmetimes sorry I means sometimes/I was the family member was wasn't cared/sorry I meant it to be what/I lv anime/tales photo/can be blue spinel/can be called shortie or shortie cake
i kick dogs for fun
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Join Date: 30/03/2020
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