Frutiger Aero[Aero]
Owned by q_s
5 Members
Frutiger Aero is a design aesthetic popular in the early 2000s to early 2010s. It was used alot in logos, design, user interface, stock photos, products and anything "corporate" back when it was popular. It relied on humanism to get more people into technology. Good examples of Frutiger Aero being used are Windows Vista and 7, Xbox 360, Wii, WiiU, Roblox (2006-2014), Wikidot Logo and many more. It was even used alot in architecture! It was also often associated with Water, Glossy and realistic textures, tertiary color pallets, frutiger humanist sans serif fonts, glass, bubbles, auroras, bokeh and usage of nature and large cities. After Windows 8, companies tend to move away from the aesthetic, moving onto the simple metro design and, since Windows 11's release, fluent design.
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