We love cheese TM[WLC]
Owned by Epic hiIls
23 Members
Welcome to the official we love cheese company clan, here is some info you need for our company, 1 Haveing a job on the we love cheese company: 2 bits are given ever week on a casual emoploy a long time enploy gets 20 bits A month a hard working employ gets 16 bits in 2 months a new employ gets 1 bit a week very knowen enploy gets 40 bits a month ' job rules: 2: here are the simples for the nobies of our little company Makeing a shirt two times or more well get you banned from the company for a week missing your 2 bits or 40 bits , steling asets from other employs or users on brick hill or google images can give you a two week ban from the company , makeing an not wanted shirt or t-shirt with out asking can you give you a one 1 hour ban from the company , geting a ban on brick hill or roblox or castle or blockland or Minecraft gives you a 72 hour ban from the company , monthliy tasks: 3: monthliy tasks are tests to see if you disserve a job on our company if we think you have what it takes to the company the monthly tasks well end but if we see your wirk is already good you won't need. Monthly tasks but you well need to love cheese and have skill if you have what it takes come for a one day test and after your in if we see good works of *art* , (company finder and ceo) epic hilis how made the company on 03/04/2022 by he's long banned account Be a real brick hillian make friends and make we love cheese shirts and pants as you can join the clan right now your staying well be enjoyed by meeting player just like you in this clan! join us today at we love cheese ™ ( logo design by beluga whale )
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Feature coming soon