the real pain[sans]
Owned by jsk1
3 Members
guys i feel pain because oh oh oh its painful everyday i wake up owwwwwwww pain of course i do feel pain from it because this is the real pain i really want to change the name of this but i have to feel pain everyday of real pain no fake not clickbait but real pain so alright guys today were gonna be playing bee swarm simulator and we gotta grind digital bee alright so this bee is like really good so i suggest you get it but it cost robux sometimes so you gotta not waste your life's savings on bees that are in a shape of a box that have hand painted faces that collect pollen for you while you kick back and relax until your pollen container is full so when it is full you make your bees do hard work again while you kick back again so ummmmm i hate this game because my friend is allergic to pollen and thats really sad so they dont eat "gray ham" crackers because if they do their face explodes and catches on fire like my ipad so i cant charge my ipad after that so i go put my ipad in the freezer then after that i take it out so now i charge it back again but oh no guess what it catches on fire again so i dont have a fire extinguisher so i put it in the freezer again so the freezer catches on fire so all my fish and arby's curly fries catch on fire so i feed them to the birds and the birds like it but they catch on fire so they call 911 because my birds and house and freezer and ipad are on fire so i catch on fire and then i stop drop and roll then they extinguish me
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