Mimis clothing[MBC]
Owned by Mimiblau10
53 Members
Welcome to MBC

Get a rank For buying MBC

Look up MBC in the shop to see all clothing

If you get enough MBC to rank up
Rejoin the clan

We dont need Ranker at the moment


Common = owning nothing from MBC

Uncommon = owning 1-2 clothing from MBC

Fan = owning 3-9 clothing from MBC

Hotshot = Owning 10-20 clothing from MBC

Insane = owning 20+ clothing from MBC


Its been 24 hours and im Still on waiting for rank what do i do?
-Dont worry just send a message to Mimi or felicia (or there alts)

Why is so many clothing From MBC offsale?
-Well we decided to put some clothing offsale that isnt selling very well but some of them will come back and some sadly will never also we dont Want too many people to have the best rank

Are you going to add new ranks?
-Yes when we see that many people get on the bigger ranks we will add more

Are There giveaways?
-Yes we are going To give away Bucks and exclusive ranks

Are there special Ranks?
-Not yet but we will add special ranks for doing special stuff and winning events

What events?
-We want to do liddle events With prizes Like an hard obby and the people who win will get amazing prizes like bucks Own shirts and ranks and More
Feature coming soon