cool boys[rad]
Owned by the cool boy
39 Members
Only real cool boys join.

The Cool Boys clan, established in 1987, is an exclusive group that evaluates if you have the right coolness factor to join. Membership in this clan is highly regarded as it is not well-known, making it a small group that members consider elite. To become a part of Cool Boys, you must agree to be friendly and maintain your coolness for life. Our snack of choice is Cheetos and Doritos, washed down with Pepsi (though Coca-Cola is also an option).

While we may act tough, we are kind-hearted. We do not believe that crime is cool, but we may accept members with a criminal history. Our decision to admit you is final. Unfortunately, the name Cool Boys implies that girls cannot join, but we respect them and may consider accepting them in the future, depending on the decision of the Cool Boy Committee. Most applicants are accepted, with a 96% acceptance rate. Think of our clan like a university, but with a higher level of exclusivity and without the exorbitant tuition fees.

The approval process typically takes one day, and if not, message Cinemark on Brick Hill. Additionally, if you are interested in joining the Cool Boy Committee, a group responsible for the clan's decision-making, please message Sears.

The statement above was written by ChatGPT.

People in the clan icon: winona, Thiqq, Getting peeing, RrOx, timmy gun, texticks, Harlynn, LastMinute, yuka., jayka, pride month, Plaxed, PurpleDog93429, and gizmosuperman.
Feature coming soon