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What's on my mind:
fluff yiff it shouwd nyot be watched uwu by god's nyame tailhole yiff is nyot awwowed
Prophet Furry
The Chronicles Of The Alpha
chu shaww seek ur pwace as owo a cub of uwu god.
chu shaww wepay kindnyess wif kindnyess.
chu shaww take wesponsibiwity fur ur mistakes.
chu shaww nyot desiwe othew's possessions.
chu shaww wepay hostiwity wif fowgivenyess and undewstanding.
chu shaww nyot induwge owo in gwuttony.
chu shaww nyot unweash ur angews onto othews.
chu shaww wuv ur nyeighbow.
chu shaww nyot act owo in angew.
chu shaww pwepawe fur times of uwu sowwow and enjoy teh times of uwu peace.

chu shaww be patient even duwing times of uwu stwuggwe.
chu shaww uphowd ur dignyity ow seek uwu to westowe it when wost.
chu shaww nyot take my nyame owo in vain.
chu shaww wuv ur nyeighbow.
chu shaww be gwatefuw.
chu shaww nyot question god ow god's wowd.
chu shaww show compassion and mewcy.
chu shaww be unyited ow seek unyity if dewe is nyone.
chu shaww be content when wife is good.
chu shaww seek uwu to impwove wife.

chu shaww offew a meaw uwu to hungwy stwangews.
chu shaww stwife fur a wife owo in hawmony wif aww.
chu shaww weach fur pewfection even knyowing chu cannyot weach it~ fur pewfection is god.
chu shaww cawe fur teh wowwd fur it is god's cweation.
chu shaww accept wife as owo god intended it uwu to be.
chu shaww fowwow onwy teh wight.
chu shaww nyot wust aftew anyothew.
chu shaww tweat stwangews wif kindnyess.
chu shaww wowk hawd and spend wisewy.
chu shaww be bwave owo in teh face of uwu dangew.

Evewy one who fowwows teh band of uwu teh wed good boy ow fuwwyowoism uwu must cewebwate dis days of uwu howinyess.Feast of uwu biwds uwu is cewebwated owo in teh fouwth of uwu septembew owo in 15th of uwu decembew teh feast of uwu howses is cewebwated. owo in teh 7th of uwu mawch uwu teh uwu day of uwu pigs is cewebwated. Owo in teh 10 of uwu june teh day of uwu good boys is cewebwated. Uwu owo in teh 2nd of uwu juwy uwu teh fest of uwu teh bees is cewebwated. Uwu owo in teh 3 of uwu august teh day of uwu cats is cewebwated.
Angelic descriptions

A wainbow beam and wat sounds wike angewic singing mawk teh coming of uwu an angew. Aftew wanding wif incwedibwy fowce~ a magnyificent being wif iwis-wess eyes stands owo in fwont of uwu chu. Dey wook chu diwectwy owo in teh eyes~ chu feew wike chu witnyess teh most intense beauty chu've evew expewienced. Often depicted as owo a hybwid wif teh body of uwu a tigew~ fwowing wings cast a wawge shadow on chu. Theiw swendew body moves wif detewminyation and is covewed owo in shinying mawkings. Dey howd a swowd owo in one paw~ so dewe must be an eviw on eawth that nyeeds deawing wif.
dey tuwn theiw gaze towawd chu again~ chu see a gentwe smiwe without emotion. Dey stwetch and fwex theiw muscwes fur a moment~ befowe dispewsing into teh wight.A thundew owo in teh cwouds and wat sounds wike twumpets mawk teh coming of uwu an angew. Aftew wanding wif incwedibwy fowce~ a bwiwwiant being wif compwetewy white eyes stands owo in fwont of uwu chu. Dey gaze owo in ur diwection~ and ur entiwe being feews wawm and dwowsy.
two swim wings of uwu wight bathe teh awea owo in a wawm wight. Theiw toned body moves wif an anyimawistic gwace and is cwad owo in shinying awmow. Dey cawwy a weapon of uwu bwight enyewgy~ which wouwd be disconcewting~ but chu knyow dey mean chu knyow hawm. Often depicted as owo a hybwid wif teh body of uwu a wowf.
chu wook up at theiw face once mowe~ a singwe teaw is visibwe on theiw cheek. Dey tuwn theiw gaze towawd an unknyown distance~ befowe gentwy fwying away wif its wings.
A wainbow shock-wave owo in teh aiw and teh sound of uwu biwd songs and anyimaw cawws mawk teh coming of uwu an angew. Aftew wanding wike a comet~ a divine being wif pink cwystaw cweaw eyes stands owo in fwont of uwu chu. Dey gaze owo in ur diwection~ a sensation simiwaw uwu to buttewfwies owo in ur stomach takes howd of uwu chu. A humanyoid goat wif
wibbon-wike wings of uwu wight bwighten teh awea owo in a cawming wight. Theiw pwump body moves wif smooth~ fwoating moves and is bawewy cwothed. Dey cawwy a wantewn that shines a gowden wight~ chu knyow teh wewigious meanying behind dis and awe immediatewy fiwwed wif gwatitude.
chu wook up at theiw face once mowe~ an expwession of uwu sadnyess is appawent. Dey waise a hood ovew theiw head~ covewing it entiwewy~ befowe disappeawing. A wainbow shock-wave owo in teh aiw and a gwowth of uwu nyatuwe aww awound mawk teh coming of uwu an angew. Befowe chu fuwwy weawize it~ a mighty being wif uwu wed eyes uwu stands owo in fwont of uwu chu. Theiw gaze tuwns uwu to chu fur a moment~ causing chu uwu to feew incwedibwy happy. an humanyoid good boy & cat hybwid wif two heads one of uwu cat and othew of uwu a good boy wif two massive wings of uwu wiquid gowd shiewd teh awea. Theiw swendew body moves wif stwength and conviction and is cwad owo in hanging~ white fuw. Dey howd a scwoww owo in one paw~ chu can onwy guess at teh meanying of uwu dis.
dey tuwn theiw gaze towawd chu again~ a hint of uwu angew is visibwe. Dey shoot a buwst of uwu enyewgy into teh sky wike a beacon of uwu sowts~ befowe cawmwy moving onwawd.

Our Father prayer
Ouw daddy owo in fuwwia~
hawwowed be ur nyame~
ur fuwdom come~
ur wiww be donye~
on eawth as owo owo in fuwwia.
give us a wand fur fuwwies.
fowgive us ouw mistakes
as owo we fowgive dose who buwwed us.
make a wand fwom teh anti fuwwies.
fur teh fuwdom ~
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