How to view UV Map of this image?

[im] BLU746
Joined 12/04/2019
Posts 2,218
01:42 PM 27/04/2019
Hello I am BLU746 and I am on a mission to get the last egg of the hunt. I got this small help from a youtube channel that didn't leak anything so I hope I don't get either get a warning/banned because I don't know how this works.

I don't know anything about Blender or Mesh program or whatever because I'm 12 and I don't think I ever atleast wanna make a game in my life, but in this image is a QR Code which is the texture of the Easter Egg. the QR Code says something about a message in the UV Map of this image. I don't know how UV Mapping works and I would like to get some help from people on how these programs work so I can get the egg. I Apologize if this leaking even though I'm trying to get a bit of help to get there.


Don't terminate me plz thx u

[im] BLU746
Joined 12/04/2019
Posts 2,218
01:42 PM 27/04/2019
forgot to include picture: