Hat Suggest

[Color] Tower of Pi
Joined 11/01/2020
Posts 10,350
08:04 PM 09/07/2020
Its called Bag of Jewels It a tool where It will have a effect with it.. Like Every 5 seconds It will shoot out Jewels.

[Color] Tower of Pi
Joined 11/01/2020
Posts 10,350
08:05 PM 09/07/2020
It like a tool but not a tool at the same time

[NS] Andrew Snipes
Joined 25/10/2019
Posts 3,708
08:05 PM 09/07/2020
Looks cool, it needs to be expensive

Joined 08/06/2020
Posts 4,000
09:47 PM 09/07/2020
put it at 100 50 stock