Script for game ignore this

Joined 23/01/2020
Posts 2,337
10:26 PM 07/03/2020
/kill player: kills the player
/kick player ?message: kicks the player with the message provided.
/mute player: mutes the player.
/mute is a toggable command
/vhcat message: messages all the admins in the server.
/ban player: bans the player from the game. resets when the server is turned off
/admin player: gives the player admin.
/admin is a toggable command
/tp player victim|x,y,z: teleports you to a player or the coordinates in x,y,z fashion.
/tp :me :random
/tp :random 0,0,0
/speed player num: sets your speed or the player's speed
/jump player num: sets your jump power or the player's jump power.
/size|scale player num|x,y,z: sets the player's, or your, scale in x,y,z fashion or just one number.
/scale cheats 2
/size :all 1,2,3