Is there anyway you can take the textures of hats?

Joined 08/05/2017
Posts 853
08:57 PM 03/01/2022
Ive been wanting to make a shirt based off of this hat:
Is there anyway I can take the texture of it?

[OLDS] pheely
Joined 25/05/2021
Posts 16,114
08:58 PM 03/01/2022
hmm maybe go to ik it still works

[FaZe] [Deleted599215]
Joined 24/07/2021
Posts 401
08:58 PM 03/01/2022
there used to be a way but they updated the texture links so idk
I have been trying to find out but no one knows how on the forums

unless you look in the discord but im banned from it

[Tom] TommoTom
Joined 21/08/2021
Posts 2,333
08:59 PM 03/01/2022
Just install brick Hill plus

Joined 08/05/2017
Posts 853
09:48 PM 03/01/2022
what is the discord?