Locked Get to know The Espresso (V2)

[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
09:04 AM 25/07/2021
▬▬ BASICS ▬▬

Basic Commands
Type '/menu' to see the menu.
Use the /job command to get a job. (refer to Jobs)
Say 'YES' to receive a drink a cashier is trying to give you.
Say 'NO' to decline a drink a cashier is trying to give you.

There are currently 2 jobs in the game; employee and customer.
If you want to become an employee, do the command '/job cashier'
If you want to become a customer again, do the command '/job customer'

Everybody earns $10.00 for every minute they're in the game.
Cashiers earn $4.00 for every order they successfully complete.
There is no tax, so you're charged the exact amount of money an item costs.
You can see your money in the playerlist on the top right of your screen in-game.
A select amount of users can grant other users money if they choose to.

[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
09:05 AM 25/07/2021

Advanced Commands
Use the '/make' command to create a drink.
Example of usage: /make latte

Use the '/menu' command as a Cashier to see shorthands, or check 'Shorthands'.
Example of usage: /make cappuccino --> /make cap

Use the /give command to give a drink to a player as a Cashier.
Example of usage: /give SirStephen latte

Drinks & Shorthands
Latte - $4
Espresso - $5
Cappuccino (cap) - $5
Frappuccino (frap) - $5
Macchiato (mac) - $6
Venti - $6
Hot Cocoa (hot, cocoa) - $2
Coconut Drink (coconut, drink) - $20 | SUMMER EXCLUSIVE
SirDelight (sir, delight, sirdelight) - $125


[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
05:07 AM 26/07/2021
Update 7/25
The VIP update is here! Benefits of being a VIP is listed in the description. The price will definitely change as VIP gets more abilities!

Buy VIP here for just 4 Bucks: https://www.brick-hill.com/shop/266930/

[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
01:11 AM 27/07/2021
Update 7/26
I have commissioned N4il to create uniforms! These uniforms have been added in the game, however, do not load yet as new assets take a while to load in-game.

[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
11:33 AM 27/07/2021
Update 7/27
A new VIP benefit has been added, as well as a HUGE map change! The Espresso now, like the original, has a second floor, though this time the walls are made out of glass to embrace the beautiful view of the void. This area is exclusive to our VIP members.

- VIP shirt price increased from 4 to 5 bucks.
- Removed Bricklander Juice
- Added Bloklite Energy, and Bloklite Cranberry. (shorthands: energy, cranberry)

[OpTic] SirStephen
Joined 16/10/2017
Posts 7,914
03:30 AM 28/12/2021
Update 12/27
- Removed Hot Cocoa
- Removed Coconut Drink
- Removed Bloklite Energy & Cranberry
- Added Hot Chocolate
- Added Cranberry Sauce (temporarily; Merry late Christmas!)