Skeleton2323's Simple Clan[Jeep]
Owned by Skeleton2323
31 Members
Please join this clan as it will probably become famous just like with the other clans.
said my mouth when i was 3 years old lol

[Quick Rules]

Inappropriate content not allowed!
Spamming is not allowed!
Do not argue with others because this will only cause drama.


Group Member - you just joined the clan!
Alternative Accounts (new) - This is the new alts rank due to Skeleton2323 Getting Terminated
PDEL Alts - PDEL alt accounts
Group Moderators - moderate the group from bad things
Alternative Accounts - alts of Skeleton2323
Current Owner - owner of this clan

If you want to become a group trainee, message Jeep grand cheeroke, or PDEL.


Founded by Skeleton2323 (Now known as: Jeep grand cheeroke)

Icon by PDEL

Description by PDEL
Feature coming soon