Brick hill forum posters[POST]
104 Members
User with most posts: Thiqq

What's the Forums? {0 Posts}
Beginner {1-99 Posts}
Amateur {100-249 Posts}
I'm Getting There {250-499 Posts}
Hustler {500-999 Posts}
Hotshot {1000-1749 Posts}
Pro {1750-2299 Posts}
Elite {2300-2999 Posts}
Legendary {3000-3999 Posts}
Mythic {4000-4999 Posts}
The Big 5K {5000-7500 Posts}
Mind-Blowing {7500-9999 Posts}
Confirmed Postfarmer {10000-12999 Posts}
Young Shitposter {13000-15999 Posts}
Addicted {16000-19999 Posts}
Mega Postfarmer {20000-24999 Posts}
Shitposter {25000-29999 Posts}
Guaranteed No-Lifer {30000-39999 Posts}
Mastermind {40000-49999 Posts}
Grandmaster {50000-59999 Posts}
Critically Insane {60000-74999 Posts}
Crazy {75000-89999 Posts}
Sadness {90000-99999 Posts}
Clown {100000+ Posts}

If you don't get ranked within a few days, message me! If your ranks needs changed, rejoin the clan or message me
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