Owned by Dannnyyboyy
47 Members
welcome to my first ever clan!!!!!
10 people's In a day!!!!!!!
Happy new year!!!!!
We have eight pages in total
Members 4 pages
Namesnipers 1 page
Monitor 1 page
Administrators 1 page
Owner 1 page
We now have a new rank [namesnipers]
Buy this to prove your my member
We have 48 member's
Members 37 member's
Namesnipers 4 member's
Monitor 1 member
Administrators 5 member's
Owner 1 member
Now let Me tell you the meaning of ranks
[Member] they are in the clan
[Namesnipers] you have a username less than 5 letters or the one with meaning congrats! (Previous name [fake admins])
[Monitor] only one who looks after the group (changes everyday at 12 am ptz 3am etz 2 am ctz 9 am btz)
[Administrators] the first five member of this clan got hired
[owner] that's me the one who created this group !
Buy it now
Win 98 SIM
https://www.brick-hill.com/shop/229214/ meet my baby
Feature coming soon