Owned by z00
10 Members
πŸ’°Welcome Traders!πŸ’°
This group is for people who like the trading system in BH!
you can go to any profile and trade! but that's only if the other person has an item!
this group us set up so you only trade people in the rank you are in!
Buy Merch:
How you are ranked:
[1] Basic 1-1,000 Value
[2] Novice 5,000-10,000
[3] Advanced 15,000-25,000
[4] Rich 30,000-50,000
[5] Kings 70,000-100,000
βœ…More ranks soonβœ…
This is how the group works now why not trade people in the group!
Watch this to learn more:
Feature coming soon