Character rankers[noob]
Owned by DeIaware
48 Members
Random msg smh: Can we just continue without delaware. NO
•These are just our opinions... we don’t want you to feel offended from your ranks.
Hello! Welcome to Character rankers!
We rank avatars/Characters!

We will rank you for how your avatar looks like!
Please msg or friend any of the rankers or me (The owner) if you think you got the wrong rank! *NOTE OWNER IS MOSTLY AFK! YOU SHOULD ASK THE RANKERS FIRST AND THEN OWNER*
You will be rank in less then 48hrs! *Just like the average ranking clans*If you want to be retained message the rankers or rejoin the group.

Character Ranks 1
Default avatar: You don't update your avatar once you join the group.
Bypasted vatar: Just don't please :/
Good: Better then nothin
Great: u are great!!
Cool: Better then great
Awesome: A great avatar maker
Striking: A avatar that stands out.
Mystical: Just like cool but better
Epic: The last rank before the most best rank in the clan.
Fantastic: yes
C-Ranks 2 (Other cool ranks)
Meme: Just a meme
Staff Ranks:
+Idk who original owner is
Feature coming soon